
Top Tips for Bouldering on Southern Sandstone.
Southern Sandstone hosts some fantastic bouldering that is accessible for climbers working in the range of Font 5s, 6s & 7s, and though there are a handful of low 8s, these are of good quality. However, bouldering can be very destructive here because the rock is quite fragile in comparison to other climbing areas in the UK and care needs be taken in your approach to bouldering on Sandstone.

Sandstone Post Lock-down
By Sam Taylor:
Southern Sandstone is notoriously one of the most popular rock climbing areas in the UK due to its close proximity to London, and 2020 is certainly proving to be no exception. Though it hasn’t been a regular year, has it?

A Climber at Home on Southern Sandstone
An interview with Sam Taylor. Words by Becky Hart:
The famous climbers in the world have huge social media followings, are sponsored by a raft of outdoor companies and spend their lives jumping from country to country, crag to crag showing off their adventures. Yet climbing is a sport, a hobby, a way of life even that doesn’t always lend itself to the commercial. Many of the country’s best climbers are unknown names, local specialists that almost fill the ‘urban legend’ category. You’ll be at the crag and someone unassuming, in battered clothes and boots filled with holes will quietly sit in the corner minding their own business, only to astound you when they get on the rock.